Wednesday 3 December 2014

2014游记:希腊-雅典 (食) / Athens, Greece - Food

希腊的美食不用我多少,大家最熟悉的就是 Moussaka, Greek Salad, Souvlaki…
When you think about Greek food, usually Moussaka, Greek Salad, and Souvlaki pop into our minds.

As someone who is not a heavy drinker, I didn’t research much on liquors before my trip. However, the Greek are proud of their eze, ouzo and tsipouro. You can find these drinks everywhere from a small convenience store or the market.

此外,我一次又一次光顾的,要数街边的优格店了。小小的店面,不同口感的优格,不同的配料。最得我心的就是walnut and honey。蜂蜜与优格完美的结合,一扫旅途的疲惫。核桃更是有缓解疲劳和压力的作用。
My favourite place will be the yogurt store in Athens. They are usually very tiny, but serves yogurt in different richnesses with a variety of selections. I usually ask for walnut and honey. The GMO and pesticide free honey merges well with the creamy Greek yogurt. Walnut is a great source of vitamins to release tiredness.

我们理所应当的享受了当地的美食,但是母亲大人从夏天就一直念念不忘的米其林两星大餐,也确实让我肚子里面的馋虫耐心等待着。想必各路吃货都是以朝圣的心理,累积着口袋里面的米其林星星。Funky Gourmet是雅典市区唯一两家取得米其林两星餐厅之一。值得信徒们注意的是,餐厅在一条小巷的最深处,白白的一所独栋小楼,并不是很容易找到。建议一路询问当地人,有耐心的寻找。窄窄的楼梯盘旋无数圈就到2楼的餐厅区,餐位并不多,可以提前邮件订位。
The big event in Athens was our Michelin 2-star feast at Funky Gourmet. The restaurant was hard to find as it lies at the end of a local path. I asked few people before we spot the neoclassical building. 

这家餐厅属于fusion,将很多不同菜系与当地新鲜食材融合在一起,形成了自己别具一格的funky以及gourmet风格。菜单有三种不同的选项,我们选择的是13道的套餐,100欧元一位。如果要是每道餐配酒的话,150欧元一位。我们选择单点的酒。妈妈选择的是Santorini Gavalas Winery, Santorini Natural Ferment, Santorini P.D.O Assyrtiko 2013,我忠诚于我的rose,选择了Thessalia Karipidis Estate, Rosé, P.G.I Larisa Sangiovese 2013。

There are three sets of la carte at different price ranges. We picked the 13-course menu to have a full experience and Greek wine to pair with (Santorini Assyrtiko 2013 and Thessalia Sangiovese 2013)

Salsify in the soil

Greek bottarga with white chocolate


Coulouri bread and Cretan buttermilk

“Kakavia” fish soup Shabu-Shabu

Snails - Earthy aromas

Autumn Wreath

Greek Salad

Scallop in the sea

The silence of the Lamb (part i + ii)

Smoked ice cream sandwich

Chocolate soup

Orange explosion

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