Wednesday 2 September 2015

400 days of :)

Today marks my 400th day of going to BPM Fitness (My work-out started on July 30, 2014). Reduced from 23.4% to 15.5% in fat %. Reduced from 130 lb to 115 lb approximately in weight. I can plank for 10 minutes and hang for about 2 minutes. I may join the 100-burpee challenge when the trainer sets the rules. 


I recall attending my my first class with loads of doubts and scares: “Is this right for me?” “What if I hurt myself?” Since graduating from high school, I stopped working out systematically under supervisions. Most of the exercises were foreign to me: bench presses, deadlifts, head slice … and etc. I felt like Alice in Wonderland, except, I was amazed by how many ways there are (let alone some are weird) to sweat and to work our bodies out. 

The biggest surprise is I haven’t been sick since. I get sore throat at least once every winter to the extend that I would not be able to talk. Last winter was brutal in Ontario Canada. However, I passed without health issues.